According to 2009 (the most recent) data from the National Vital Statistics System, nearly 33% of women gave birth via C-section.
✨And now—you just want to know how to heal✨
The body does this magical thing after surgery where it creates scar tissue.
But sometimes (as is often the case with C-section incisions) scarring can bring things together that we’d like to avoid—
Like making organs become really close neighbors.🏠
(As an example, the bladder and the uterus often heal together via scar tissue post C-section.)
(Note: EVERYONE’S HEALING WILL LOOK DIFFERENT! This is just an example.)
A great place to start is with visceral manipulation (visceral = the soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities).
This is where a bodywork therapist works with your tissues to make sure everyone is moving around happily and independently inside.
(aka freeing the uterus from any adhesions)
When everything is co-existing, each organ is able to perform its best for you!
Want to start your healing journey? Book a complimentary consult today!